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Many of our clients have called us with questions about how the COVID-19 outbreak will affect their mortgage, tax season, or business. The Canadian government has released lots of information about the economic response to this challenging period. To help you find all this information,...
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Are you currently deferring your mortgage due to the pandemic? If so, you should know that if you plan to purchase a new residence, refinance, or switch mortgage providers you must be back to making regular payments and have confirmation from your existing lender that...
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Like most things in 2020, income tax rules and programs have changed.  Here are 3 important tips crafted from tax professionals we work with: Government Subsidies:  CEBA funds are taxable and the government will be issuing a T4A tax reporting slip for 2020 showing the...
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2022 has been an interesting year to say the very least.  In the early part of the year, rates were low and optimism high as the trend of prices and activity continued its frenzied pace from 2021.  Midway through the year, the housing market seemed to have...
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In this month’s newsletter, we discuss the always interesting spring real estate market. This season presents a unique scenario shaped by new mortgage rules, new regulations on short-term rentals, revisions in property transfer tax exemptions, the introduction of anti-flipping taxes, and province-wide rezoning initiatives. What...
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