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Thanks to our friends at B2B Bank for their economic outlook report.  With the new mortgage regulations in place, now is a good time to discuss the state of the Canadian housing market. Previous tightening in mortgage rules, including the reduction in the maximum amortization...
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Our office will close for the holiday season Friday December 23rd at 12pm and will re-open for regular business hours Tuesday January 3rd. We look forward to seeing our clients, BDMs, and other business partners in 2017!
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CMHC raised their insurance premium rates on January 17th, 2017. These new CMHC premiums are seen as a direct consequence of the regulatory changes that OSFI (Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions) implemented in October 2016. Those changes already had immediate impact to non-bank...
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The mortgage process can be overwhelming. Knowing the key terms that are part of it can help reduce confusion and help guide your first conversation with your mortgage broker. Amortization Length of time over which the mortgage will be repaid. Mortgage Term Length of time...
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This post is brought to you by our friends at CLMS, highlighting the complicated nature of the mortgage market and the greater needs of homebuyers and homeowners alike to lean on the expert advice of a professional mortgage experts. The last quarter of 2016 brought...
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